Multi-Gigabit wireless

In a few years cables could be history in the home data transport. At the Georgia Electronic Design Centre researchers are currently working on the so-called Multi-Gigabit wireless data transmission, which should replace the wires in home networks and computer centres within the next three years.

The researchers focused on a frequency of 60 giga heart because this frequency ranges because there is no license needed for this range in the USA. Until now they have reached a transfer rate of 15 gigabits per second (Gbps) over the distance of one meter. At a distance of 10 meters they still reach 10 Gbps and over 5 meters still 5 Gbps.

In less than two years, the first connections for fast data transfer between external hard disks, laptops, cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, TV, DVD players, etc. should be available. With this system laptops could be synchronized within seconds.

They also work on an adapter to make systems which until now worked via USB or FireWire to make them compatible with the new technology. Moreover they want to doubling the data throughput in the next year with keeping the yet low consumption of power. Links: Georgia Electronic Design Center

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