Innovations in keyboard design

The evolution of traditional input devices continues. The Russian design studio Art Lebedev is going to launch the first keyboard with variable OLED displays by the end of the year. Another approach focuses on the flexible arrangement of the keys.

Optimus Maximus, the russian interface
Every single button of Optimus Maximus is replaceable, has its own OLED display and can be used with different functions, such as letters, symbols or icons for special function buttons. The OLED with a resolution of 48 by 48 pixels displays the actual key function.

Optimus Maximus by Art Lebedev (youtube Video)

A great advantage is, that the key adapts to the respective program, which runs on the computer, and so work should be done faster and easier. Each user can adjust the keys to their individual needs and working patterns. But there are also some critical aspects of this product. First, compared with normal keyboards, despite the use of OLED technology, there is higher energy consumption (it requires a separate power supply). Form an ergonomic view the keyboard could act as a disturbing light source in the visual area of the user.

Ergodex DX1, even the position gets individually
A slightly different keyboard system offers the Ergodex DX1 keyboard. The keys don’t have displays, but the function of up to 50 keys could be defined individually. For each key you could choose the position on a special plate.

In the delivery contents are predefined or writable stickers for each key. With the free distribution of the keys a maximum ergonomic arrangement should be possible. Initial tests of this keyboard came to a conclusion, that the Ergodex DX1 is more a complement to existing keyboard, not a replacement.
Ergodex DX1 keyboard

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